We Speak Tech
Shmoopers: this is your life.
Shmoop can tell you the meaning of life. Okay, well, not exactly. But we can tell you all about what life is, how it works, and how it's evolved over billions of years. From DNA and cells to animals to ecosystems, Shmoop's Biology resources will give you the lowdown on all things living—including that family of spiders that's set up camp in your bathroom for the past week. Sorry about that, by the way.
The study of life needs no introduction. Well, actually, it probably does—and we've got you covered.
Biological Processes
From the air we breathe to the food we eat, biological processes rule our every waking minute. And we aren't talking about stomaching that three-week-old burrito you had for lunch.
Ready to go insane in the membrane? It's about time you get your cell groove on.
If you're aching to learn a little something about our crazy dog-eat-dog world, evolution is the way to go. From Darwin to speciation, these guides have been naturally selected to be the best of the best.
Doesn't matter if it's plants, bacteria, or even viruses; if it's alive, we've got a guide on it right here. (We weren't sure whether to include our guide to zombies or not. Are the undead technically alive?)
There's no shortage of animals on our Planet Earth, and each one is a biological miracle. That is, until you start learning about their bodily functions and reproductive habits. Gross.
How do organisms interact with their environments? Humans do it by staring at their phones, but other living things? Not so much. It's probably the lack of opposable thumbs.
Test Prep
Biology is the study of life, and Shmoop's gonna help you study...for life.
You know the Circle of Life? Well, it turns out that's not just a catchy tune that Disney made up, but a real thing. This course is all about understanding the processes behind life as we know it.
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